Tuesday, 10 August 2010

irritable bowel syndrome ibs diet porridge oats

something to try if you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome is to eat porridge oats for breakfast, this might help relax some of your ibs problems.

i have porridge oats without milk as well, just make my porridge oats in a pan with water, and it seems to be quite mild on the stomirritable bowel syndromeach and bowels.

Monday, 9 August 2010

irritable bowel ibs diet help

one diet i find helps ibs problems is to eat plain of course, but things like 2 meals a day consisting of boiled white rice and grilled meat, 2 times a day.

with the white rice and meat there is not anything there to really upset your stomach, and cause ibs problems.

Monday, 2 August 2010

diet and exercise best combination when dealing with ibs?

diet AND exercise are probably the two most important factors when dealing with the ibs, for example things to avoid in diet when you have ibs are things like crisps, as they will irritate your bowels all the way through and create gas.

exercises to try when you have ibs are either gentle walking, fast walking or running, to help give the body and the bowels some exercise.

drinks to help are probably mostly sticking to water.

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