Friday 11 May 2012

a cdsa stool test for ibs

a cdsa stool test can be used to check for ibs

The CDSA profile is recommended for an initial, thorough evaluation of GI tract function. The information provided includes the following:

● Macroscopic (color, form, consistency, mucus, blood, pus, fibers, food remnants)

● Microscopic (starch, meat fibers, vegetable cells and fibers, red blood cells,
white blood cells, fat globules)

● Biochemical (pH, occult blood, chymotrypsin, cholesterol, triglycerides,
total fecal fat, long-chain fatty acids, SCFAs)

● Parasitology (all pathogenic and nonpathogenic parasites)

● Bacteriology (normal flora, imbalanced flora, potential pathogens)

● Mycology (yeasts and molds, specifically Candida albicans)

A CDSA comprises the stool parasitology and culture and the microscopy and biochemistry panels. The stool parasitology and culture provides an analysis of parasitology, bacteriology, and mycology. A 3-day follow-up analysis is performed when a parasitic infection is detected in the CDSA.

The stool microbiology follow-up provides an analysis of bacteriology and mycology.

Patients should be instructed on the importance of proper specimen collection (refer to collection instructions). Only those specimens collected in appropriate kits (provided by the laboratory) should be analyzed. To obtain the most accurate laboratory results, specimens must arrive at the laboratory within 72 hours of collection. Delay in samples reaching the laboratory can cause bacterial overgrowth or death and biochemical changes that may produce inaccurate results and diagnoses.

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